Managing Money with Sequence - ADHD Friendly!

I am thrilled to introduce you to a remarkable tool that has transformed the way I manage my finances. With its tangible and visually engaging features, it provides me with complete control over my money. Allow me to introduce you to Sequence, a game-changing platform that can be explored at It's important to note that I am recommending these services purely because I genuinely like them, and not because I am being compensated in any way!

Sequence is a platform designed to automate personal finance management. Here's a brief on how it works and its potential benefits for individuals with ADHD:

Income Connection: Route your income to Sequence by creating ports.
Account Integration: Link bank accounts, credit cards, or financial apps to Sequence.
Rule Creation: Set rules for fund routing, like saving a certain percentage of income.
Conditional Logic: Extend rules with IF statements for advanced control.
Rule Sequencing: Stack multiple rules for different scenarios.
Controlled Automation: Automate while staying in control through notifications.

For individuals with ADHD, managing finances can often be challenging due to impulsivity, forgetfulness, or overwhelm. Sequence can help by automating routine financial tasks, providing a visual money map to simplify financial overview, and allowing for controlled automation which can be particularly beneficial in managing finances effectively and reducing anxiety or stress associated with financial management.

Check out Sequence here -

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