Why You Feel Overwhelmed, Dumb, and Lost When Faced With Financial (Or Any) Decisions!

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In this video, we're exploring the brain's role in financial decision-making, with a special focus on ADHD. Meet Jordan, whose journey with ADHD and financial decisions like mortgage payments or stock investments reveals much about the unique challenges faced by individuals with ADHD.

Experts E Sonuga-Barke, G Fairchild, and A Stringaris weigh in, shedding light on these challenges. We'll delve into how the default mode network, key for planning and self-reflection, and the amygdala's quest for rewards, drive impulsive decisions affecting long-term financial stability.

Discover the inner workings of the ADHD brain: the prefrontal cortex's role in managing attention and impulses, and how the frontostriatal and frontoparietal circuits interact. Understand the significance of the anterior cingulate cortex in emotional regulation and the orbitofrontal cortex in error detection.

By the end of this video, gain insights into the complexities of the ADHD mind and strategies to tackle financial challenges associated with it.

0:00 - Intro
0:07 - ADHD and Financial Decision-Making Challenges
1:15 - Exploring Academic Research on ADHD and Brain Function
2:45 - Jordan's Story: Financial Decisions and ADHD
4:10 - Disrupted Connectivity in the ADHD Brain
5:25 - The Default Mode Network and Financial Planning
6:40 - Ventral Frontostriatal Circuits and Reward Processing
8:05 - The Role of the Amygdala in ADHD and Finance
9:30 - Frontostriatal and Frontoparietal Circuits in Decision-Making
10:55 - Medial and Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex in ADHD
12:20 - Anterior Cingulate Cortex and Orbital Frontal Cortex Functions
13:45 - Real-Life Implications: Jordan's Decision-Making Process
15:10 - Overcoming ADHD Challenges in Financial Decisions
16:35 - The Importance of Understanding ADHD Brain Function
18:00 - Tools and Strategies for Financial Management with ADHD
19:25 - Summing Up: Empowering ADHD Individuals in Finance
20:50 - Outro

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